CARDS2 Discussions

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  • Conversation: creating a new application to replace a legacy one should include workflow and policies. Applying a new application/solution to the same rough/out dated workflows and polices will result in a bad product equal.
  • A major goal should be to eliminate as much printing of paper copies as possible, what's the point of an accounting system if it's second to a mess of printed papers.
  • Certain equipment short-titles need to have required software version. Software version needs to be a gated value that's recorded only at the COR level, so that CAMs can select from a list of appropriate values. This will prevent garbage data from being inputted to CARDS. Really all serious details of a Short-title should be gated, bad values to include allowing CAMS to enter incorrect short-titles should be prevented.
  • CAMs should be able to perform Relief of Accountability, Reports of Possession, Removal and Addition of Account Users, <More things>. However these actions should work as a request, accompanied with justification. The COR Admins would be notified of the requests and could approve the request/deny with justification or escalate to incident.
  • We need a deeper insight on the steps that happen leading up to an incident. CARDS2 should have a incident management system, rather than having account fill out a pdf. users would be able to mark items within the system as things that need to be investigated, similar to how kmi operates.
  • User enrollment should also be rolled into CARDS2; the current process causes too much disconnect and doesn't provide visibility to all members of the COR. The challenge here will be working with documents, as a wet signature is required, and protecting PII.
  • Is it possible to have API Integration with the GEM or Vines? There would be tremendous benefit if CARDS2 could push directly into those platforms, or pull equipment status ie sw version
 * Build an additional system that acts as a universal GEM or Vines, I've tinkered with lackluster powershell scripts to ease KG upgrades, and I think it would be doable to build a tool that performs like GEM or Vines